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Dr Su-ling Li
Honorary Reader

Heinz Wolff 126

  • Biosciences

Research area(s)


Research Interests

  • Immunology
  • Antigen presentation and vaccines
  • Autoimmune disease and inflammation
  • Regulation of adaptive immune response
  • Tumor immunology

Research grants and projects

Research Projects

Project details

1998-2002: Swedish Strategy Research Fund (PI): The study of peptide vaccination, 1600 000 kr ;

1999-2002: Swedish Cancer Research Fund (PI): The mechanisms of MHC class I assembly, 900 000 kr ;

2000-2003: Swedish Medical Council(PI): Study of molecular mechanisms of CIS in vivo, 600 000 kr;  

2001-2002: Brief project grant (PI): Microarray technology, £14,000;

2002-2003: Royal Society grant (PI): Immunoarray tools, £10,000;

2004-2007: MRC (PI) strategic grant: Induction of CTL immunoresponses to HIV-1 by peptide-edited microsomes, £189000;

2003-2006: BBSRC (co-PI) project grant: Molecular mechanisms underlying the quality control of MHC class I loading, £180000:

2004-2007: Kineteqcs (co-PI): A developing fund, £250000;

2013-2016: Arthritis Research UK (co-PI) project grant: Identify Egr-2 and 3 regulatory program in B and T cells that control the self-immune responses, £212000;

2015-2018: MRC (co-PI) project grant: Investigation of the early growth response gene (Egr) 2 and 3 mediated regulatory programme in T cells, £624000.