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Dr Stephen Kershaw
Honorary Reader - Life Sciences

  • Life Sciences

Research area(s)

Research Activities:

Research Projects

My research began in the 1970s in palaeontology and diversified into sedimentology and environmental geosciences, with a wide base of subdisciplines. Current research focus is on:

  1. Palaeoenvironment reconstruction of organic reef deposits in Quaternary of the Mediterranean, and older ages (Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian) in UK, parts of Europe, China and Sweden;
  2. Sedimentology and palaeobiology of the largest mass extinction event in Earth history (Permian-Triassic boundary, in parts of Asia and Europe).

Grants Awarded

Research funding support for field and university visits in recent years from: Chinese Academy of Sciences, CNRS France


1992-2020: Chartered Geologist of the Geological Society of London