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Miss Patricia Correia
Student Programmes Manager (Partnerships)

Michael Sterling 055


I am the Senior Student Programmes Administrator for TNE and Partnership pogrammes in the College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences (CEDPS) and a member of the TNE Partnerships team. Our role is to guide, advise and support Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught students from admissions to completion of their degree. We also provide support, guidance and advice to College academic staff on all operational matters.

TNE Partnership programmes currently include:

  • Electronic and Communications Engineering (CQUPT/BUL);
  • Mathematics for Data Science (NCUT/BUL);
  • Mechanical Engineering (NCUT/BUL);
  • Civil Engineering (NCUT/BUL);
  • Flood and Coastal Engineering.

You can contact me via email to TNE-Partnerships@brunel.ac.uk and by telephone or MS Teams.

My normal on-campus working hours are 09:00-17:00 if you wish to arrange to visit and talk face-to-face.