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Dr Laura Hills
Divisional Lead / Reader in SHES

Heinz Wolff 219

  • Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences


Exploring gender inequalities and social change through sport

Engaging young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in sport

Sport and young people's development including sport and employability

Mixed gender sport

Sport media

Research supervision

Current PhD supervision

Sara Horne  Injury assessment in English netball

Sara Blakemore A child rights approach to international safeguarding

Chris Bell The influence of social media on men's fitness motivation

Racheal Onafuye Social media representation of women's fitness

PhD Completions

Matthew Billington 'Midfield masterminds' and 'running freight trains': a comparative analysis of race in premier league and euro 2020 commentator discourses 2024

Jamie McDermott Blowing the whistle on abuse: Developing safer organisational cultures(Bursary) 2024

Frank Owusu-Sekyere Safeguarding Children in Sport (Funded through research grant Safeguarding Children in Sport)  

Nicola Crawley Wellbeing in and through sport: a sport-based intervention to facilitate the development of transferable life skills in young people 2022

Razan Baker Online social networks and Saudi youth participation in physical activity. 2017

Lindsey MacDonald Homeless football: An exploration of theory and practice. 2016

Fawaz Alhakmi Strategy and Strategising: “An examination of sport clubs privatisation strategy in Saudi Arabia” 2015

Amanda Croston The Construction and Experience of Ability in Physical Education. 2014

Laura Green (Bursary) Nonsporty girls take the lead: A feminist participatory action research approach to physical activity. 2013

Evi Pappas Sports spectacle, media and doping: The representations Olympic drug cases in Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008. 2012.

Alison Maitland (Isambard Scholar) Organizational culture and coach-athlete relationships: an ethnographic study of an elite rowing club. 2012

Lacey Wismer National Identity and Cultural Specificity in Sport: American football’s globalization to England. 2011

Christina Gipson Life Stories of Female Athletes-Understanding why women serve on women-led sport NGOs. 2011